How Much Paint Should You Buy?

Wednesday, January 19th, 2022

How Much Paint Should You Buy

Conventional wisdom says that it takes approximately one gallon of paint to cover a room up to 400 square feet, but this is a single-coat estimate for a small room like a bathroom. But other vairables impact how much paint you should buy, such as the size and number of doors to the room, the height of the ceiling, the size and number of windows and whether you have crown molding, wainscotting and other deorative elements.

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6 Ways to Transition Decor From Summer to Fall

Friday, September 3rd, 2021
Maci Hiser

6 Ways to Transition Decor From Summer to Fall

If your home is full of breezy linens, light colors and fresh scents, it’s time to make a few tweaks and replace these items with their autumn-inspired accessories. Fall interiors are all about rich fabrics, deep colors and bringing natural elements indoors. However, you don’t need to do a complete design overhaul to have a fall-friendly space. Instead, find out the tweaks you can make to transition your summer decor to an autumn scheme seamlessly.

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Why It's Important to Hire an Agent With Local Experience

Whether you plan to buy or sell a house, it’s in your best interest to work with a real estate agent who has experience helping clients in the local area. An agent who knows the community inside and out can give you detailed information and guide you through the process.

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Tips to Make Cleaning a Habit Not a Chore

Friday, July 16th, 2021
Maci Hiser

Tips to Make Cleaning a Habit Not a Chore

Not many people love to clean, and among those rare tidy people that find the task soothing, few want to spend hours on end getting a specific cleaning job done. This means that for the rest of us—the ones who don’t find doing the dishes to be an act of meditation—spending hours on a chore can make the job unbearable. To combat this, take a note from the neat and tidy people in your life and follow these tips to make cleaning a painless habit rather than a tedious chore.

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4 Items to Replace for Outdoor Summer Hosting

Thursday, July 1st, 2021
Maci Hiser

4 Items to Replace for Outdoor Summer Hosting

When summer comes, all the fun (and stress) of hosting comes along with it. Whether you’re hosting a laid-back BBQ or a semi-formal backyard dinner party, there is a lot to think about when it comes to planning. Ensure you’re ready to get the parties going in full swing by replacing or upgrading these essential summer items for your home in Terre Haute.

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How to Find a Home in a Seller's Market

Thursday, June 24th, 2021
Maci Hiser

In a seller’s market, there are more buyers looking for a home than there are houses available. That means sellers may have an advantage, since multiple buyers may be interested in purchasing their home. If you’re looking to buy a house in Terre Haute in a seller’s market, it’s important to know what to expect and to be prepared so you can avoid common pitfalls.

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How Utility Bills Can Impact Your Down Payment

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

If you are considering buying real estate in Terre Haute, saving up for a down payment is likely on top of your to-do list. Fortunately, by making a few changes in your current residence’s electricity use, that down payment may be in your bank account faster than you think. Here are some easy ways to reduce your environmental footprint and save money at the same time.

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